KYLE SWANN - Worship Minister

Kyle Swann

Kyle is married to Alexandra.  They have two amazing children. Rowan is a compact force of joy and adventure.  He is shockingly strong, surprisingly intuitive, and has the comedic timing of an experienced vaudevillian performer.  Violet is a curious, adventurous spirit who cracks the world open so she can see how it works.  She always thanks God for nature.  Our family has a bit of an old soul; we like road trips, games, nature, grandparents, and staying inside on rainy days. 


Kyle believes firmly in the priesthood of all believers.  He enjoys empowering people in the church to lean into their identity as disciples and their agency as minister’s of God’s love now revealed in Jesus Christ.  He is bad at small talk but great at having spiritual conversations with just about anyone.  He loves thinking about how to integrate art and music into expressions of faith and experiences of spiritual formation.