Registration for Soul Quest 2024 is now open!
Soul Quest is the main camp for our Student Ministry and it is held on the campus of York University in York, NE. This camp is for all of our current 6th-12th graders, and it is one of the highlights for the Student Ministry summer!
The dates for Soul Quest are June 9th-15th, 2024. The cost is $225 and you need to get registered by May 20th.
To register, you’ll need to follow both of these links:
First, register with the camp:
Then, you’ll register & pay with the Youth Group:
If you are in need of financial assistance for camp, or if you would like to help one of our students financially, please contact Josh and we will get that taken care of!
About the LYG
Sunday AM Class
Class begins at 9:00am each week with a light breakfast! All teens meet in the Youth Room when we begin each morning. Our class topics are focused on helping our students live out their faith in their everyday life.
Wednesday Night Youth Group
Our biggest gathering is Wednesdays at 6:30 upstairs in the Youth Room. During this time students connect with each other, pray with each other, and worship God together.
We also have events on First Fridays (game-type nights), Area-Wide events with other youth groups, Retreats, and other opportunities to connect and grow spiritually throughout the school year.
Summer with the LYG
Summer brings so many highlights for every Youth Group, and that’s definitely true for the LYG! Mystery Mondays, First Fridays, and various Service Projects are typical weekly activities. The students help out with our LC Kids Ministry at VBS and at Day Camp. Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers attend Soul Quest camp at York College, and our High Schoolers get to go to Kadesh at Abilene Christian University. And then we end the summer with an All-Nighter!