Welcome. Take a look around.
Thanks for taking a moment to consider Littleton Church. We expect you're here checking things out, so please use this page as a guide to get oriented.
Location & Weekly Schedule
Small Groups - Various times and locations
We also meet in small groups throughout the week to grow in faith and community. Visit our Small Groups page to learn more.
Need help finding us?
CLICK FOR directions
6495 South Colorado Boulevard
Centennial, CO, 80121
What Should I Expect?
Expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our worship services are a place where you can listen, sing, and engage in worship. You will be led in encouraging & uplifting songs, take part in communion every Sunday, and be challenged, taught, and inspired by the sermon.
Attire is casual. Feel comfortable wearing anything from business casual to jeans to shorts.
LC Kids
Coming on Sunday for the first time? Classes start at 9:00am and the Worship Service is at 10:00am. Click the register button to pre-register, saving you some time on Sunday morning, or you can register on-site.
Kids 5 and under can stay through service without being picked up from the nursery or their classroom. Kids 5 and over will be picked up from their classrooms by 9:45am and go to worship with you until they are dismissed before the main message (sermon).
If you are coming in time for worship at 10:00am, bring your kids to the Welcome Center, and we will help you get checked in! If they are 5 and under, they can go straight to Kid’s worship. If they are in elementary, they will go to service with you and be dismissed after communion.
Our nursery is available from 9:00-11:15 am for babies through 3-year-olds.
Our Nursery is split up between Babies (6 weeks - 18 months) and Toddlers (18 months - 3 years).
Kid’s Ministry Check in Table
Our High School Students on Trek
Sunday AM Groups
Class begins at 9:00am each week with a light breakfast! All teens meet in the Youth Room when we begin each morning. Our class topics focus on helping our students live out their faith in their everyday lives.
Wednesday Night Youth Group
Our biggest gathering is Wednesdays at 6:30 upstairs in the Youth Room. During this time, students connect with each other, pray with each other, and worship God together.
We also have events on First Fridays (game nights), area-wide events with other youth groups, retreats, and other opportunities to connect and grow spiritually.
Summer with the LYG
Summer brings so many highlights for every Youth Group, and that’s definitely true for the LYG! Mystery Mondays, First Fridays, and various Service Projects are typical weekly activities. The students help out with our LC Kids Ministry at VBS and at Day Camp. Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers attend Soul Quest camp at York College, and our High Schoolers get to go to Kadesh at Abilene Christian University. And then we end the summer with an All-Nighter!
Starting Point
Starting Point is your next step in getting connected.
Wondering how to get into a Small Group, or find a place to serve? Or, would you just like a little more information about Littleton Church? Then come to Starting Point!
Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 27, at 11:30 am in the church office. Refreshments will be provided.
Please call the church office to RSVP (303-741-0265) OR email us to RSVP at Office@littletonchurch.org.