On this Labor Day weekend, I will again have the joy of being the speaker at the TRYAD camp. Roxanne and I will join Becki Graves and other dear friends at the Easter Seals Camp in Empire, CO...
Bind Us Together
How Firm
How Heavenly
Our Citizenship
Open Our Eyes
Aging in the Lord
Since the recent Presidential debate, much of our talk has been about age related disabling conditions. (NOTE: THIS IS NOT ABOUT PARTISAN POLITICS, so look elsewhere if you’re looking for Trump bashing, Biden bashing, or political prognostication.) What it is about is getting older and dealing with ailments and disabilities that come with it. Very few of us die in good health, and no one dies because of good health.
You Shall Know the Truth
None of us see the world directly. From the moment of our birth, we begin to see the world through filters. Early on, our family strongly influences us and we learn about the world through them. Schools, media, books, churches, and our friends, all of whom have their own filters, help develop our filters.
Follow the Money
Conspiring to Lie
Dangerous Blessing
John 13: 25 So while reclining next to Jesus, he [the beloved disciple] asked him, “Lord, who [will betray you]?” 26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” So when he had dipped the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot.