How Heavenly

As I prepared for my sermon, “A Place for Reconciliation,” from Matthew 18:15-20, one hymn was constantly on my mind. The hymn was written by Joseph Swain (1761-1796). He wrote many hymns in his brief life, but “How Sweet, How Heav’nly is the Sight” is the one that came into our collection of hymns. I led that hymn often and loved the general sentiment. It was only as I prepared this sermon that I seriously explored its profound lyrics.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus calls upon us to pray “…Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).” It seems to me that Swain had this prayer in mind as he described the fellowship of the church here on earth if it resembled the fellowship of the saints who now comprise the great cloud of witnesses (of which Swain is now a part), living in the blessed harmony of the heavenly realm.

Here are the lyrics with my annotations in parentheses.

1 How sweet, how heav'nly (how much like in heaven) is the sight, When those (here on earth) that love the Lord In one another's peace (shalom that is given by God) delight (God’s shalom is delightful!),
And so fulfill His word (John 13: 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”);

2 When each can feel His brother's sigh (loving, intimate fellowships help us to so empathize that we can feel the sighs of those we love), And with him bear a part (not only do we feel others’ sighs, we share the burdens of their sighs);
When sorrow flows from eye to eye (tears flow in mutual sorrow), And joy from heart to heart (tears of joy and laughter are also shared);

3 When free from envy, scorn, and pride (this should be our prayer), Our wishes all above (centered in Gods realm where envy, scorn and pride disappear),
Each can His brother's failings hide (not expose them to bring shame), And show a brother's love (but love them to help bring repentance, forgiveness, and healing);

4 When love in one delightful stream
Thro' ev'ry bosom flows
(love is a delightful stream!);
When union sweet and dear esteem
In ev'ry action glows
(mutual love calls us to build each other up, not tear down)!

5 Love is the golden chain that binds
The happy souls above
(How the rich love of God must be the very atmosphere in heaven, binding that “great cloud” together!);
And he's an heir of heav'n who finds
His bosom glow with love
(On earth, here and now, showing agape that is from
the Holy Spirit, prepares us for the realm of true and eternal agape love).

Was Swain naïve? May we be so naïve! We should work toward the heavenly reality of love in our church life here. That is labor inspired by God’s gracious Spirit. May God move us to be what we will one day be in His presence.

Tim Kelley