Chennai, South India
PAUL AND DORETHY - NIRANJAN (my son-in-law), GODSON (my grandson), ANGELIN (my daughter)
Paul Renganathan
World Bible School
4 Abith Nagar
Choolaimedu, Chennai 600094
Myself Dr. Paul Renganathan, began my journey of over four decades as a professor at Douglas Memorial Bible College in 1976, later becoming a professor at Madras Teacher's Training College.
I founded World Bible School and Brighton Bible College in India, with the sole purpose of training preachers who could take the Word of God to parts where our true savior is unknown to people. For 38 years, our dedicated work from Chennai, South India has been focused on spreading love, hope, and salvation. We have witnessed the transformation of more than 120,000 individuals in 16 nations across four continents.
Our efforts have led to the establishment of 1701 churches and the graduation of 1692 preachers from our training school. We have shared over 2.5 million biblical handout lessons. Our compassion is also evident through the distribution of 6720 wheelchairs, 2923 goats, 1262 bicycles, 2471 sewing machines, and 180 fishing boats.
Through these initiatives, we have not only uplifted lives but also promote their self-reliance. In times of disaster, we have aided 122,000 individuals and provided medical care to 2.5 million people through our mobile clinic.
Additionally, we have set up 15 orphanages, caring for 315 children, and revitalised rural communities by installing 743 water wells. Our impact extends further as we have established four Christian schools across the country, nurturing thousands of students academically, morally, and spiritually.
These achievements stand as a testament to our unwavering faith, boundless compassion, and transformative influence.
As we continue to illuminate people with the teachings and grace of God, we deeply appreciate the love and support from you.
Paul Renganathan & family
Andhra Pradesh state of India
Satish, wife, Swarna Lakshmi Tatapudi and daughters, Sarvika Grace age 3.5 and Riya Grace 10 months.
Satish is a young, dedicated evangelist. His work demonstrates his love of God and desire to bring others to Christ as well. He has been sharing the gospel for five years in the Andhra Pradesh state of India and surrounding areas and plans to keep on reaching even more people! Satish and most of the evangelists in his group are very poor. Satish does not own his own home and has a 2005 bicycle for his transportation.
Satish requests our prayers and financial assistance to continue his ministries.
Satish says “Essentially, we are walking around trembling in the gospel in many ways.”
The Littleton church has been contributing to Satish’s work for the past year. Please note additional information on his family and work on the Missions page of our website.
Dear brothers and sisters, I used the help you sent for God's work, thank you for the help. We need the help of people like you very much. Today we continue to ask for your help. We hope to do better, but our financial situation is limiting our evangelism efforts. I need your help to continue the work without interruption. Your prayers are especially needed.
Satish Tatapudi
Mike Neil - Ecuador
Thank you for allowing me to share with you all a few months ago while I was visiting Colorado. I hope that the time shared was as encouraging to you all as it was to me.
As far as my current progress in support raising, it is moving along now. I am officially a little above 75% to my goal of $1,700 monthly but there are many people who have pledged and just not been able to start giving yet. Realistically speaking, once everyone who has said they want to give gets signed up to start, the numbers should be around 85% or even higher.
As far as VISA paperwork is concerned, there are 2 background checks that are needed- one USA federal background check and one from the state of Ohio. My federal background check is currently in Washington D.C. to get an apostille and I am still working on getting the Ohio one.
Michael Neil
(In the past three years Ohio has changed how one gets a state background check, and it is now a little more difficult.) Those are the only two documents that I will need from the USA to get my two-year VISA in Ecuador.
The goal right now is for me to arrive in Ecuador by the end of September or early October. As it has been, that is a moving target. However, with the current progress being made in both paperwork and support raising, this one seems realistic.
Peace and blessings,
Mike Neil
Benjamin and Rebecca Baer
627 N Mentor Ave., Apt. 204 Pasadena, CA, 91106
We are the Baer family - Benjamin, Rebecca, Caia, and Emma.
Rebecca is pursuing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. Her passion is integrating theology and psychology into research and practice. Her focus for therapy lies in developing as a relational trauma-informed therapist. Her dissertation topic is titled “Reciprocating Love,” and examines the qualities of love that lead to thriving relationships. Benjamin is currently serving in various capacities. He leads worship at the Pasadena International House of Prayer (PIHOP) and Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena. He is also exploring his calling of writing songs of prayer, with the aim of using music to guide people to God.
Looking ahead to this next school year, we are praying for balance and the wisdom to discern the works that God has prepared for us. Would you join us in praying that God would teach us to be mindful of our limitations and priorities and discern where he wants us to invest energy and where a holy (and kind) “no” might be appropriate?
This year marks a major transition for us as Caia (5) will begin Kindergarten at an elementary school in the area that offers a German immersion track. We are thankful for Caia's opportunity to continue practicing her German, but we are also praying for God to guide her and strengthen her (and us!) as she embarks on this new adventure.
Emma (3) is our little firecracker and will enjoy at least one more year of preschool at the Montessori school she has been attending. Her school is right around the corner from where we live, and she can now explore her new role as one of the oldest in her class. Please pray for this transition for her as she is close with her sister and will miss her once this transition takes place.
We desire to encourage local Christian workers, humanitarian aid workers, and missionaries in Germany and beyond to stay faithful to Christ. Knowing the challenges of serving in post-Christian Europe, we hope to strengthen and encourage the local church to continue the work they have been called to - holistically producing fruit for the glory of God. It is Benjie’s heart to encourage through what he likes to call “Spirit-led, Scripture-infused worship and song-writing” and through spiritual formation. Rebecca seeks to build up the church through therapy, research, teaching, and writing, focusing on integrating theology and psychology.