Cap-Haitian, Haiti
Rosemary and Lucner Pierre
Unit 1097 WFR
3170 Airman Drive
Fort Pierce, Fl 34946
Dearest Family in Christ,
Greetings from God our Creator and his son Jesus.
Many people think they only need material goods to live on the earth. However, Christians think differently. Godly people believe in another after they die. They are united everywhere in the world in order to do God's will. No matter where they live, no matter their skin color, they work together for the benefit of the God's kingdom. I firmly believe that is the reason why God has created the US and Haitian Christians team for his glory. God has used both countries for enlarging the kingdom. The US and Haitians Christians have been doing a marvelous job in spreading the gospel to the lost.
First, in 2022 there were 1992 baptisms, 220 returned to church and 150 old people received medical care due to God's grace and different donations of the generous Christians of LCOC. Second, in 2023 despite the hit after hit that has taken Haiti, God has opened doors for his work through the various helps shared by the brothers and sisters of Littleton church of Christ to
many Haitians congregations. As the result,1936 were added to the church by being baptized for the remission of their sins. 440 people have returned to church, 900 kids have received spiritual and intellectual education, and 350 old people got access to medical care. Please be aware that 716 people are already added to the kingdom of God from January to June 2024. Third, due to the support of the young men and women of the church and school, we have 3000 blocks available for making the buildings for church, school and orphanage. Truly, there is a lot to do. I need 60,000 thousand blocks for the work. It seems to be a lot for us as human beings, but it is NOTHING FOR GOD. Thank you so much for impacting thousands and thousands of people in Haiti by both your prayers and financial helps.
On behalf of many congregations of churches of Christ,
Brother Lucner Pierre
Updated: 8/27/2024
cap-haitian, Haiti
Dearest Brothers and Sisters,
I do not really find true words to keep you posted on what God has been doing for us in Haiti through you. In reality, you are not our God, and you can never replace Him. However, it is worth telling you how much you are IMPORTANT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN HAITI.
My team and I are very proud of you all for your spiritual and financial blessings. How do you think I can still support the 30 congregations without God's help and your support?
Do you know that thousands and thousands of people are impacted by both your prayers and your financial help. Your support prevents many orphan kids from going to streets begging and doing bad actions that oppose God's law.
How do you think I can keep teaching the 60 uneducated preachers without your assistance? You are really blessed in the US by having lots of educated preachers and elders. There are many churches in my country but very few can really do their job due to the lack of education. That is why I must dedicate every Saturday to teach them how to teach and preach. By the grace of God, I have a master's degree in Christian Education from the USA. I am sure that I was called to do what I am doing for the Lord in Haiti.
I do not know why God lets you be born in the USA and myself in Haiti. But what I know for sure is: "Jesus has created a strong team with you in the Sates and the Haitian leaders in Haiti."
Please keep up the good work so that we can stay united in order to keep fighting against Satan's power.
May God keep blessing America, Haiti, and the rest of the world through YOU!
In Christ,
Brother Lucner Pierre
A brief update for 2021: In the Cap-Haitian area many souls were saved through baptism this past year. Please know that you have been contributing a lot to the progress of many churches in Haiti due to your various donations to the Lord’s ministries here. You are a big encouragement for us. In the town of Mathone the ladies have a special room for a sewing class due to special donors. This ministry helps support orphans in Haiti. As always, there have been many people in need and Littleton Church of Christ has helped many of them. We continue to pray for Littleton Church of Christ so that you may grow and save lives.
On behalf of the church, Brother Lucner & Family
The Littleton Church has partnered with Lucner Pierre in Port Au Prince, Haiti since 2008. Lucner preaches at the largest Church of Christ in Cap Haitian, Grandeur de Dieu. He also ministers to many of the churches in the northern region of Haiti and helps fellow Church of Christ preachers with weekly sermon preparation.
Lucner works to provide spiritual, financial, and humanitarian aide beyond his church and across the northern region of Haiti. In recent years, he has worked with organizations like the U.S. based Road to Hope Foundation to build the Methone school that he has been envisioning for a number of years. Haiti is a place of great need as it has taken hit after hit with hurricanes, floods, food shortages, cholera, and other natural disasters. With each natural disaster, Lucner is the person that steps in with resources and solutions. Lucner reported in 2016 that more than 150 people gave their lives to the Lord through different ministries in Haiti. Our partnership in the gospel is making a difference and positively contributing to the wellbeing of these Haitian churches.
The Littleton Church has partnered with Lucner Pierre in Port Au Prince, Haiti since 2008. Lucner preaches at the largest Church of Christ in Cap Haitian, Grandeur de Dieu. He also ministers to many of the churches in the northern region of Haiti and helps fellow Church of Christ preachers with weekly sermon preparation.
Lucner works to provide spiritual, financial, and humanitarian aide beyond his church and across the northern region of Haiti. In recent years, he has worked with organizations like the U.S. based Road to Hope Foundation to build the Methone school that he has been envisioning for a number of years. Haiti is a place of great need as it has taken hit after hit with hurricanes, floods, food shortages, cholera, and other natural disasters. With each natural disaster, Lucner is the person that steps in with resources and solutions. Lucner reported in 2016 that more than 150 people gave their lives to the Lord through different ministries in Haiti. Our partnership in the gospel is making a difference and positively contributing to the wellbeing of these Haitian churches.
A brief recap: In the Cap-Haitian area 480 souls were saved through baptism thus far in 2020 and Lucner stated last year, “Please know that you have been contributing a lot to the progress of many churches in Haiti due to your various donations to the Lord’s ministries in Haiti. You are a big encouragement for us.” He also shares the gratitude from our Haitian sisters to the sisters at Littleton for helping them in their own ministries. Lucner writes, “In Mathone the ladies have a special room for the sewing class due to special donors. This ministry helps support orphans in Haiti.”
Lucner is determined to change the course of his country, and he is already doing so with his network of schools and churches.
Cap-Haitian is a city of people who are striving for something better. They desperately want to flourish as a people. There are so many obstacles. We can change their world for the better, but it won’t be easy. It will be long, slow, and difficult, but it will be worth it because they are God’s people just as much as anyone else. They too are made in His image, and you can see it in the brightness of their eyes, in their kindness, and in their warm smiles. You can hear it in their laughter and in their music.
On behalf of the church, Brother Lucner & Family
November 2020